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OA News (You Could Use) Sept. 2, 2021

Writer's picture: Kristina BarclayKristina Barclay

Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!

New: OA CoP September Newsletter

We released our newest OA Community of Practice quarterly newsletter (September) yesterday and it is full of exciting updates, including some new faces to our OA Community of Practice team, and details on GOA-ON's upcoming OA Week (Sept. 13 - 17, 2021)!

Read it here.

In the News

“Government of Canada and Province of British Columbia invest in salmon and habitat research and aquaculture science”

Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Read the full article here.

Call for Abstracts - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 session on Arctic Ocean Carbon Cycle: Past, present and future

*Cross posted from the OA Info Exchange (link here).

“Please consider contributing to our Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 (27 Feb. - March 4) session

HL17 The Arctic Ocean Carbon Cycle: Past, present and future

Abstract submission deadline: September 15, 2021

Session Format: In-person


Mike DeGrandpre

Brent Else

Claudine Hauri

The Arctic Ocean has dynamic and diverse biogeochemical areas ranging from some of the most productive coastal waters in the world to large oligotrophic open ocean basins. Organic and inorganic carbon therefore naturally vary significantly in time and space. Overlying this natural variability is the rapidly changing physical and chemical environment of the Arctic Ocean driven by climate change and ocean acidification. Loss of ice cover, changing freshwater inputs, warming and changes in broadscale circulation all compound the inherent complexity of the AO carbon cycle. For example, primary production trends are highly uncertain because of the interplay between nutrient fluxes, increased solar irradiance, stratification and wind-driven mixing. Making progress on understanding how these mechanisms currently regulate carbon uptake, export, and air-sea exchange requires intensive measurement programs, ideally during all seasons. Further efforts are also needed to develop more accurate coupled physical-biogeochemical models. In this session, we welcome presentations from studies focused on the AO carbon cycle, including observational and model studies of primary production, nutrient fluxes, inorganic and organic carbon, air-sea CO2 fluxes, ocean acidification and related physical forcings.

Cross listed Tracks: Climate and Ocean Change; High Latitude Environments; Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry; Ocean Modeling; Ocean Technologies and Observatories

Keywords: Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling; Arctic and Antarctic oceanography; Physical and biogeochemical interactions

Updates on COVID19 related conference format changes are available here.”

Save the Date – OA Week (September 13 – 17, 2021)

Cross posted from the OA Info Exchange:

“Ocean Acidification Week will be back in 2021!

Last September, GOA-ON launched OA Week as a response to the postponement of conferences and events due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We received such positive responses that GOA-ON, in partnership with NOAA OAP, IAEA OA-ICC, and IOC-UNESCO, is bringing OA Week back this year. We will bring you even more information and sessions from the regional hubs, more presentations by plenary speakers, and more conversations about global ocean acidification research. Please visit the new OA Week 2021 webpage for more details on the event. This webpage will be updated regularly as we continue planning the meeting.

We also need your help: please suggest topics for the Community Discussion Sessions. Think of Community Discussion Sessions as short workshops, listening sessions, interactive presentations, or other platforms for promoting conversations about issues that are relevant to the OA community. Even if you cannot commit to leading a session, we'd still like your thoughts on what topics you'd like to see covered during OA Week 2021. Share your suggestions by commenting on the post on the OA Info Exchange.

Finally, please share this news with your professional networks, and most importantly, don't forget to save the dates: Monday 13 September - Friday 17 September, 2021! If you have other questions about OA Week 2021, please contact us at”

New Paper of Interest

Durland, Evan, Pierre De Wit, Eli Meyer, and Chris Langdon. 2021. Larval development in the Pacific oyster and the impacts of ocean acidification: differential genetic effects in wild and domesticated stocks. Evolutionary Applications, 2021.


Have a news item you'd like us to feature? Email!


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