Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!
New MASTS Webinar Recording
Missed our MASTS webinar presentation yesterday with our Coordinator, Kristina, on building Canada’s OA Community of Practice?
Never fear, find the recording here!
New site page - Webinars
We’ve created a new webpage where you can now browse and watch all of our past webinars and guest presentations!
Find our new webinar page here:
Upcoming NOAA OAP Data Discovery and Access Workshop
Cross posted from the OA Information Exchange
NCEI will host a remote-only workshop this coming May to seek your feedback in terms of the Ocean Acidification Data Stewardship (OADS) Project data discovery and access interface: The collected feedback will be used to design our new website.
The workshop will be 1 - 3PM (Eastern Time) on May 28, 2021 (Friday), with a pre-workshop assignment.
To register, please follow this link: (Google Form).
In the News
“Dalhousie marine biologist calls sensitive eel grass at Owls Head ‘treasure’”
Source: Halifax Today
Read the full article here.
New Paper of Interest
Terhaar, Jens, Olivier Torres, Timothée Bourgeois, and Lester Kwiatkowski. 2021. Arctic Ocean acidification over the 21st century co-driven by anthropogenic carbon increases and freshening in the CMIP6 model ensemble. Biogeosciences, 18:2221-2240.
Request for OA Project Updates for GOA-ON North American Hub Meeting
We are kindly requesting updates on any ocean acidification past/ongoing projects, recent publications (2019 - present), or other important research items you are involved with that are happening somewhere in/around Canada. These items will be included in our Canadian updates to the GOA-ON North American Hub meeting, to be held sometime towards the end of May. Please let us know if you want to join the North American Hub meeting and we can update the organizers. The limited information you provide may also be included in our Map of Canada's OA Resources (pending your permission) as we hope to provide an evolving overview of Canadian ocean acidification related activities. The GOA-ON presentation for Canada as a whole is 10 minutes, so please keep in mind that we are looking for very high-level overviews of projects that can be summed up in a single slide or less. Updates may be provided in written form, or you may wish to provide a single slide that includes graphics (e.g., cruise route/data, modeling projections, summary/results figure). Please note that given time constraints and our need to be as inclusive as possible, we may cut or trim materials provided to keep within our 10 minute timeframe. For any updates, please include the following (where applicable):
Title of the project /cruise / asset:
Main contact person(s):
Project duration (dates/years):
Location in Canada:
North American collaborators outside of Canada (names and/or countries involved):
Biological study example:
Title of the project /cruise / asset: Impacts of coastal acidification and climate change stressors on the Atlantic sea scallop
Main contact person(s): Helen Gurney-Smith, Kumiko Azetsu-Scott
Project duration (dates/years): 2021-2023
Location in Canada: Atlantic Canada
North American collaborators outside of Canada (names and/or countries involved): Shannon Meseck (NOAA, USA)
Please send these updates to our OA CoP coordinator by replying to this email, or by emailing The deadline for these updates is May 10th.
Please feel free to distribute this communication to anyone you think would have research products that should be included in this update.
Your participation in these country updates is greatly appreciated, and will allow us to capture the most inclusive and updated information for OA research activities happening across Canada.
The OA CoP Leadership Team
Brent Else, Helen Gurney Smith (Co-Leads), Kristina Barclay (Coordinator)
Have a news item you'd like us to feature? Email!