Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!
New on our Blog
Join us for this video interview with Dr. Brent Else, Associate Professor (University of Calgary) and OA CoP Co-Lead, to learn about his research studying air-sea-ice carbon dioxide exchange in the Arctic and motivations for leading Canada's OA community! Watch the interview and read the audio transcript here:
Upcoming MEOPAR OA CoP Webinar
MEOPAR Webinar Series
Canada’s Ocean Acidification Community of Practice
Presenter: Kristina Barclay, OA CoP Coordinator
March 10, 2021, 2 pm AST/10 am PST
Read the abstract and register here:
Upcoming Webinar on CRMs
The U.S. Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification presents:
CO2-in-seawater reference materials: yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Presenter: Professor Andrew Dickson (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego)
March 16, 2021, 9am Pacific
Register here:
New Resource
New resource from Oregon Sea Grant for high school students:
“Changing Ocean Chemistry: A High School Curriculum on Ocean Acidification’s Cause, Impacts, and Solutions”
New Paper of Interest
Miller, C. A., C. Bonsell, N. D. McTigue, and A. L. Kelley. 2021. The seasonal phases of an Arctic lagoon reveal the discontinuities of pH variability and CO2 flux at the air–sea interface. Biogeosciences, 18:1203–1221.
Have a news item you'd like us to feature? Email!