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OA News (You Could Use) December 19th, 2022

Writer: Austin PughAustin Pugh

Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond!

North American Job Opportunities: 1) Postdoctoral Scholar - Ecosystem Modeling and Fisheries Science: Climate Change, Nutrient, and Contaminant Impacts on the Salish Sea

University of Washington Tacoma’s Puget Sound Institute

Expected start date January 1st, 2023

For more information check out the original post on the OAIE here!

2) Job opening: seeking a social scientist to work with collaborators at NOAA, Alaska Sea Grant and elsewhere to examine community and regional vulnerability to ocean acidification.

Applications are due by Dec 26, 2022.

For more information view the job posting here!

3)US GO-SHIP Seeking Co-Chief Scientist for 2023

Seeking scientists with experience in physical or chemical oceanography (hydrography) who would be interested in participating as co-Chief Scientist on the decadal re-occupation of the U.S. GO-SHIP ( and hydrographic long-line known as I05 (32°S in the Indian Ocean).

For more information view the job posting here!

OA CoP News: The OA CoP has partnered with the DFO-NOAA Ocean Acidification Collaboration, to highlight the incredible projects that are produced by this group's international collaboration. For more information about the DFO-NOAA Ocean Acidification Collaboration check out their webpage here. Last Week: A highlight of the Impact of Coastal Acidification on the Atlantic Sea Scallop project and its lead researchers: DFO scientists, Helen Gurney-Smith and Kumiko Azetsu-Scott in Partnership with NOAA Scientist Shannon Meseck. To learn more about this international collaboration visit our new DFO-NOAA OA collaboration project summary page on our website here. Also, don't forget to take a look at the interview of lead NOAA scientist Shannon Meseck from last year featured on the NOAA Fisheries website (click here)! Events: The following text is cross-posted from the OAIE: Networking resource for NOPP mCDR proposals The US National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) published a call for proposals on Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR): Research and Development for Assessing Large Scale Carbon Removal and Local Scale Ocean Acidification Mitigation. To be eligible for this funding opportunity, each proposing team must be comprised of participants from at least two of the following three sectors:

  1. Academia (institutions of higher education)

  2. Private sector (nonprofit and for-profit non-governmental organizations)

  3. Government (federal, state, local, and tribal governments)

For more information click the link here to view the original post on the OAIE! New Paper of Interest:

Hicks, T.L., Shamberger, K.E.F., Fitzsimmons, J.N. et al. Tropical cyclone-induced coastal acidification in Galveston Bay, Texas. Commun Earth Environ3, 297 (2022).


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