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OA News (You Could Use), April 25th, 2022

Writer's picture: Austin PughAustin Pugh

Here are some of the latest happenings in the world of ocean acidification in Canada and beyond! 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE OCEAN IN A HIGH CO2 WORLD:

Abstract Submission deadline and application for Travel support deadline; May 7th.

The following is cross-posted from the symposium website:

The 5th Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World is being organized by the Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This Symposium follows the symposia in Paris in 2004, Monaco in 2008, Monterey in 2012, and Hobart in 2016, which were all key events for the international community of researchers studying ocean acidification and related stressors. The 5th symposia will maintain the traditional focus of the four previous symposia and look at ocean acidification and associated impacts on marine organisms, ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycles. Ocean acidification will be considered in combination with other global changes such as warming and deoxygenation. The Symposium is inter-disciplinary and contributions are expected to detail advances in observations, modelling, field and laboratory studies. Dedicated sessions will emphasize processes and impacts as well as consequences for humans and their potential responses through policy and management.

For more information and to register visit their website by clicking here!

Arctic Net Annual Sciences Meeting Call for Proposals:

The following is cross-posted from the ArcticNet Website:

ArcticNet is looking forward to bringing the Arctic research community together once again for the Annual Scientific Meeting 2022. We hope to host this meeting in person in Toronto this year, respecting all public health guidelines as they evolve.

When: December 5-8, 2022

Where: The Beanfield Centre

Click here to visit the ArcticNet website for more information.

Upcoming Webinar from Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network hosted on the OAIE: From Pteropods to Oysters: Linking Biological Indicators with Chemical Observations to Understand Impacts of Ocean Acidification in the Mid-Atlantic

The following is cross posted from the OAIE: Please join us on May 2, 1:30pm-2:30pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time for our next webinar: "From Pteropods to Oysters: Linking Biological Indicators with Chemical Observations to Understand Impacts of Ocean Acidification in the Mid-Atlantic". Dr. Amy Maas (Bermuda Institute for Ocean Sciences) and Dr. Emily Rivest (Virginia Institute of Marine Science),will discuss their research on developing biological indicators for OA in open ocean and nearshore waters, how co-locating chemical and biological monitoring can help identify OA tipping points and improve our understanding of ecosystem impacts in the Mid-Atlantic, and how community science programs like CSI: Oyster can engage volunteers in biological monitoring efforts.

To see the original post and register click here!

GOA-ON Webinar (Friday, April 29th, 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM PDT): The Following is cross posted from the GOA-ON Website: Join Dr. Sarah Cooley, Director of Climate Science at the Ocean Conservancy, Dr. Helen Gurney-Smith, Research Scientist at DFO Canada, and Dr. Libby Jewett, Director of NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program for a presentation on ocean acidification findings in the newly released IPCC report. The latest IPCC Working Group 2 report, released in late February, assessed the current state of knowledge about ocean acidification and its impacts on ocean systems both globally and regionally. New model projections detail the development of ocean acidification through the water column, and how its future development depends on global emissions choices. The report also assesses how ocean acidification is acting individually and in combination with other stressors, driving a variety of outcomes for ocean ecosystems and the people that depend on them. Climate change will affect how we live, work and play in coastal regions including impacts on biodiversity, cultural connections, food and livelihoods. Each of the presenters was a lead author on a different WG2 chapter and will provide insights accordingly. Click here to register for the talk! In the News: Title: Why oceans and their largest inhabitants could be the key to storing carbon emissions Source: Positive.News Click here to check it out! New Paper of Interest: Berlinghof, J., Peiffer, F., Marzocchi, U. et al. The role of epiphytes in seagrass productivity under ocean acidification. Sci Rep12, 6249 (2022).


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