A new research paper led by OA CoP Co-Lead, Wiley Evans, examining the impacts of storm seasons on ocean acidification conditions along the west coast of British Columbia was recently published in Scientific Reports. The article was covered in a press release from the Tula Foundation and an article in the Vancouver Sun.

Tula Foundation press release:
From the press release: “The extreme ocean acidification conditions that follow weak storm seasons have the potential to impact every shell producer, from bivalves like clams and oysters to crustaceans,” says Wiley Evans
Vancouver Sun article:
Paper: Evans, W., Campbell, K., Weekes, C. et al. Variability in storm season intensity modulates ocean acidification conditions in the northern Strait of Georgia. Sci Rep 15, 4505 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-025-88241-8