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About the Collaboration

The DFO/NOAA Ocean Acidification Collaboration is an ongoing effort to build an interagency framework between DFO and NOAA to coordinate research efforts in OA monitoring, modelling, and experimentation, as well as data and information sharing between the two federal agencies. Between November 2022 - May 2023, the Collaboration provided funding for the activities of Canada’s OA CoP, including the creation of outreach materials to jumpstart the DFO/NOAA OA Collaboration's ability to engage with stakeholders and potential members. Below, you will find examples of these activities, such as two-page poster highlights on some of the DFO/NOAA collaborative research projects and scientists who lead these initiatives, as well as a resource library.


To learn more about the collaborative framework for joint DFO/NOAA ocean acidification research and monitoring, please visit DFO’s webpage on the collaboration here.

Project Highlights


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For more information about: "Impacts of Ocean Acidification on the Atlantic Sea Scallop" reach out to the lead scientists! Also check out this regional vulnerability assessment that project lead Halle Berger is working on for her PhD "Assessing Vulnerability of the Atlantic Sea Scallop Social-Ecological System in the Northeast Waters of the US" (funded by NOAA OAP) by clicking here!
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For more information about: "Impacts of coastal acidification and climate change stressors on the Atlantic sea scallop: larval supply, recruitment and adaptive capacity to multiple global change drivers" reach out to the lead scientists!
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Canada/US OA Resources


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BC OAH Action Plan

The BC OAH Action aims to determine the state of knowledge related to ocean acidification and hypoxia in BC’s coastal waters, with long-term goals for addressing knowledge gaps and developing adaptation and mitigation strategies to support the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, traditional harvesters, and other BC seafood interests.


Tsleil-Waututh Nation’s Climate Action Initiatives

Tsleil-Waututh members have observed the effects of climate change in our territory for decades. OA is a concern to TWN, along with other ocean-related effects of climate change. Burrard Inlet is becoming more acidic, and research is underway to determine whether the cause is disproportionately associated with OA or if the reduction in pH is attributed to urban and industrial inputs.

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Acidification in Our Oceans

This infographic developed by NOAA aims to teach the basics of ocean acidification and to provide information on what the reader can do to help this global problem.

Image by Kenny Eliason

Ocean Acidification Building Blocks of the Sea

This educational resource from NOAA, OAP and the National Marine Sanctuaries aims to have students understand the impact human activities can have on the chemistry/health of the ocean, and how changes in ocean ecosystems impact ocean and human life.

Image by Christoffer Engström

Understanding Ocean and Coastal Acidification: Teacher Resources

Through the lessons in this module, designed for grades 9-12, students will explore relationships between carbon dioxide, ocean pH and aragonite saturation state

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Coastal Acidification Interactive Story

This educational module from NOAA is an interactive way to learn about the impacts of humans changing water chemistry. This module specifically focuses on how changing water chemistry results in coastal acidification

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Commonwealth Blue Charter: Ocean Acidification Action Group

The Commonwealth Blue Charter is an agreement by all 54 Commonwealth countries, adopted at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London, April 2018. New Zealand will champion the Ocean Acidification Action Group –improving the capacity of Commonwealth countries to address the impact of ocean acidification.

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OA CoP Educational Resource: How to make a Homemade pH Indicator in 5 Steps

Educational Resource: How to make homemade pH strips in 5 easy steps
Watch our new video on our YouTube channel or our tiktok to learn how to run the experiment

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DFO:What is Ocean Acidification?

Ocean acidification is a global threat with potential impacts on marine food webs, ecosystem productivity, commercial fisheries and global food security. This threat has prompted the international scientific community, including Fisheries and Oceans Canada, to investigate the implications of this significant international governance issue.

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GOA-ON Pier2Peer Program

Pier2Peer is a GOA-ON program that matches early career scientists with senior researchers across the globe. This program provides opportunities for knowledge exchange, conferences scholarships post doc positions and more!

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BC Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy

B.C.’s Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy outlines four pathways to help ensure we stay safe and to prepare for a changing climate. The strategy highlights B.C.'s overall direction and actions that the Province is taking to help better understand and adapt to the impacts of climate change, and is supported by more than $500 million in funding.  

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Alaska OA Network- Downloadable Resources

The Alaska Ocean Acidification Network has created numerous infographics and downloadable visual resources. Check out these resources on their website!


In 2019, the City of Vancouver declared a climate emergency, and in response focused on drastically cutting the city’s greenhouse gas emissions. The City of Vancouver has also registered our ocean acidification Framework, as a Voluntary Commitment to help support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, Life Below Water.

Vancouver Action Plan

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Baynes Sound Data

This project aims to better understand the short- and long-term variability that occurs within these productive waters. With more data, it is hoped that producers will have the information needed to make the best decisions for their harvest. This online resource gives users access to real time ocean monitoring data in Baynes Sound.


Understanding OA

Learn how our oceans are absorbing increasingly more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, leading to lower pH and greater acidity with this educational resource from NOAA. Ocean acidification is fundamentally changing the chemistry of the world’s oceans and threatening our marine resources.

Pod of Whales

Whale Jenga: A Food Web Game

This educational resource from NOAA and the National Marine Sanctuaries aims to have students understand how organisms are connected through the marine food web and how small changes to to food webs can have larger scale impacts.

Image by Silas Baisch

DITC CIA Worksheet: How Does Rising CO2 Impact Ocean pH?

This "Data in the Classroom" (DITA) worksheet aims to teach the impacts of CO2 on the ocean by studying important graphs and figures, which encourages students to think deeper about ocean chemistry.

Image by alvin matthews

Crabs in a Changing Ocean

This infographic from NOAA and National Marine sanctuaries, outlines how crabs will be impacted by changing water chemistry and what you can do to help!

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OA Alliance

The OA Alliance is an international organization whose goal is to create a network of governments and organizations. They use this network to take action against the growing threat of Ocean Acidification to protect coastal communities all over the world.

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Create an Ocean Acidification Action Plan!

Action Plans can be used by more people than just governments, they can be used by any individual or group that is faced with a problem! We have created an educational resource outlining how to design a Action plan of your own that can be used to address OA in your community and beyond! This resource is targeted for students but could be used by anyone looking to make an action plan!

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Ocean Acidification Information Exchange

Have professional questions about OA, how to conduct research, data set, and more? Connect with the Canadian and global OA communities here!


GOA-ON Data Explorer

The GOA-ON data portal "provides access and visualization to ocean acidification data and data synthesis products being collected around the world from a wide range of sources, including moorings, research cruises, and fixed time series stations" and represents them as an easy-to-use map. The map contains worldwide (and in some cases also real-time!) data and observation assets which are represented as interactive icons.

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Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Olympic Coast- Video

 In recent years, shellfish growers in Washington state have needed to develop monitoring and treatment practices to avoid spawning failures that have been linked to periodic upwelling of more acidic ocean waters. Read this overview of OA research on the Olympic coast!


The Olympic Coast as a Sentinel Video

This webinar funded by the NOAA OAP focuses on regional vulnerability assessment and the 4 Olympic Coast Tribes who depend on local marine species that are at risk from ocean acidification.

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B.C. is focused on implementing CleanBC; the actions and commitments in CleanBC will reduce the causes of ocean acidification and help to build adaptation and resiliency of coastal communities

BC OA Case Study


Back to Blue Initiative: An Ocean Crisis in the Making

The Back to Blue Initiative has created an interactive webpage that educates the user on the basics of ocean acidification. These basics are broken down into an introduction, the science, the impacts, and soultions?

Image by Sebastian Pena Lambarri

Ocean Acidification: pH and the Ocean's Balance

This educational resource from NOAA, OAP and the National Marine Sanctuaries aims to have students understand the pH is a measurement of ocean acidification, understand the pH scale, and the impacts that small changes to this scale can have.


Dungeness Crab Case Study Resources

Dungeness crab is a valuable species throughout the National Marine Sanctuaries of the West Coast from Washington state to throughout California. This communication toolkit is designed for educators and communicators to use to teach others about the impact of ocean acidification on Dungeness crab.

Image by Marek Piwnicki

NOAA: Ocean Acidification

This NOAA webpage walks you through the basics of ocean acidification, highlighting the impacts on important organisms, and the current research in the USA.

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Commonwealth Blue Charter: Ocean Acidification Policymakers Handbook

The Commonwealth Blue Charter helped put together an Ocean Acidification policymakers handbook. This contains many of the tools that a policy maker needs to be acquainted with to effectively make decisions about Ocean Acidification.

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UN Ocean Decade: OARS 

Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS). The programme will address the SDG target 14.3 ‘Minimize and address the impacts of Ocean Acidification (OA), including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels’. 

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DFO: Ocean Acidification Video

This video from the DFO-Canada outlines how the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have continued to increase due to human activities, lowering the pH of the ocean and making it more acidic. This process of ocean acidification increasingly affects ecosystems and those communities that directly rely on the ocean.

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GOA-ON Sampling Standards

Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) sampling standard gives guidance on the proper way to execute ocean acidification observations, to allow for data to be compared world wide. It also gives advice on what to kinds of data to collect and and how to submit to the  SDG 14.3.1 Indicator, for world-wide comparison.


OA-ICC Biological Response Portal

This easy-to-use data repository and publication catalog focuses on biological response to ocean acidification. This resource allows you to easily search existing datasets through easy-to-use filters under the categories of Spatial information, Experimental information, Biological information, and Bibliographic information (as can be seen in the image below).

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Ocean Acidification Impact on Oysters and Other Shellfish-Video

PMEL Carbon Program Video- The world's oceans are absorbing carbon dioxide at an unprecedented rate and the resulting acidification is transforming marine ecosystems. Hari Sreenivasan, of PBS NewsHour reports on how ocean acidification is already affecting oysters and other shellfish in the U.S.

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Keepin' it Real: Connecting Ocean Acidification to Watershed Health and Promoting Student Action- Video

This webinar funded by the NOAA OAP focuses on using the "Virtual Urchin" education tool which can be used by students and teachers to see real lab data and an action module.

Image by Daniel Sinoca

NOAA Archived Webinars

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association has a collection of archived educational webinars targeted at students and teachers available on their website. Click the image to begin exploring these resources.

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